Offices and opening hours

Atención al cliente


 +34 944 333 333


We have a lost property service at our customer service offices. If you have lost anything in our facilities, please call 944 33 33 33.

Euskotren Customer Service Offices

Donostia - San Sebastián

 Plaza Easo s/n. Amara.

 Summer opening hours (July and August):

Mon-Fri (work days): 8:00 to 19:30

Sat (workdays): 9:00 - 13:00

 Winter opening hours (Rest of the year):

Mon-Fri (workdays): 8:00 to 19:30


Customer Service Offices of the Bizkaia Transport Consortium

Bilbao - Zazpikaleak

 ZazpiKaleak-Casco Viejo Station (Access via S. Nikolas).


Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 20:00

Saturdays and long weekends from 09:00 to 15:00 (Saturdays after a public holiday: closed)

July and August from 08:00 to 15:00



Station Square

 Summer opening hours (july and august):

Mon-Fri (workdays): 08:00 to 14:00

 Winter opening hours (Rest of the year):

Mon-Fri (workdays): 08:00 to 20:00


 Durango Station - Geltoki Kalea, 2

 Summer opening hours (july and august):

Mon-Fri (workdays): 08:00 to 15:00

 Winter opening hours (Rest of the year):

Mon-Fri (workdays): 08:00 to 20:00


Tram Customer Information Offices Vitoria-Gasteiz

Vitoria - Gasteiz (Closed office from 16 March. Telephone attention and through the web and e-mai)

 Sancho el Sabio, 9


Mon-Fri (workdays): 08:00 to 20:00

 July and august:

Mon-Fri (workdays): 08:00 to 15:00


Sugestions and complaints